Oso Springlike

Oso berry-Oemleria cerasiformis

February and March we walk around looking for signs of Spring. This year has been cold and windy, my dog-walking friends and I take regular breaks for hot chocolate or tea. Today was an outlier–it got up to 68 degrees. Sitting outside without a coat, scarf, and gloves on–what a blessing!

Mostly February for me was going to the Physical Therapist and doing exercises to get my shoulder and arm working again after the surgery in January. They say it takes 30% of your time in retirement to take care of yourself healthwise. Make that about 70% for me these past few months when you add in the regular dentist, eye, and ear appointments and the added trips to the doctor.

I did venture out a couple times for the seed exchange for example. Also, Roger and I went to Orcas for the annual Agricultural Summit. Roger was on a panel about biochar and I took in a workshop regarding growing fiber (that is sheep, alpaca, and goat fiber). I don’t spin, but it was fascinating learning about the various wools and what they are good for.

It was VERY COLD and WINDY on Orcas last weekend which made today’s weather feel so much better. Also last weekend I mended at another Repair Fair at the Grange Hall. So yes, I’ve kept busy. A little too busy if you ask me.

We did get to see the grands a couple times in the last month. They came up one weekend and this week we celebrated Corbin’s birthday in Mt Vernon.

Anyway, I’m anticipating about a month more of PT, it’s coming along quite nicely. I’m almost done weaving the scarf with the painted warp. And possibly a quieter and more Springlike April.

2 thoughts on “Oso Springlike

  1. Not sure if the website took my comment but we are also enjoying this beautiful spring like weather. Yesterday the Wilson’s gathered here to celebrate Larry’s birthday and we BBQ’d and ate on the deck late afternoon/evening. Perhaps a first for mid March. So glad to have the change of weather…even if only a hint.

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