El Nino January

Our mild winter continues warmer and dryer than normal. However, we did have a big freeze mid-January where it got down to 6 degrees here–something I’ve never seen before. Won’t know which plants will have survived and which ones wont have until this coming Spring. After the freeze when it was warming up, of course it snowed and that heavy snow brought down a ton of branches and several trees and bushes. 

Just before the snow, Roger and a couple friends “processed” six roosters. Glad they got it done before the snow.

While there was six inches of snow on the ground, we drove off island to Seattle for my planned mastectomy. (if you didn’t know about this, you didn’t read my last post thoroughly) This went as well as can be expected, I stayed a few days in my friend’s guest cottage. Roger and Maggie with me. Now I’m home and “recovering”. People have been very nice, we even have a meal train going with my book club friends, which eases Roger’s burden considerably. It looks as if they “got it all” and I won’t need chemo which is a blessing.

flowers from my sisters

It is frustrating to have this mild, dry weather and not be able to go out and harvest all the basketwillow that is waiting for me. But stooping down and reaching are the hardest things right now. Maybe after some PT. 

Meanwhile, I am working on weaving a scarf with the painted warp I made in September. I’m doing it on my smaller table loom so the arm can stay down.

We have been streaming a lot of movies. Last two were Oppenheimer and Dr. Strangelove. I guess nuclear disaster is on our brains–or maybe just world wide destruction.

So that’s about it–I’ll be resting, walking, and taking care of myself for the next month or so. Maybe I’ll have a scarf to show you next time.

South Beach, 11 AM, Jan 10, 2024

3 thoughts on “El Nino January

  1. I am so glad that you are home as I know that’s the best place to recover. Maybe when you are up to it I will come up to share a lunch. I believe I could do the day trip by spending the night in Mt Vernon. 

    best wishes from Larry and me!

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