Good Tidings from Roger and Anita

Let’s Talk Turkey!


Anita attempts to feed turkeys at Island Haven Animal Sanctuary

The turkeys seen above were saved.  The ones described below were not so lucky.

On October 29th the Barreca family gathered in the home of Jeannette and Bill in Olympia and enjoyed a fabulous feast (including turkey) and many other delights.  We were entertained and entertained ourselves with music from the Inlaws and Outlaws–a house band.

Bjorn and his family were all in attendance–and looking forward to their Halloween in a couple days by donning their Harry Potter costumes:


We had a lot of fun at Thankstween.  And we were able to follow it up a few weeks later on the “real” Thanksgiving with another visit from Bjorn’s tribe.  They helped out by preparing the corn for milling and eventually cornbread.  We also ate a 17.5 lb turkey–okay, I like leftovers.


Oh yes, another highlight was Iliana finishing up “dandy lion”.  A yellow cat we began last summer.  Lenora helped also.


Lenora, Iliana and dandy lion

Rounding out the month, our trip to Bellingham to pick up Roger’s birthday present.  A new table-saw.  I haven’t seen it in action yet–something about rewiring the shop.


I think he is eyeing some drill presses in another part of the Grizzly showroom

We spent birthday proper with friends at Paradise Lane.  Bowling is now an annual birthday event.

Somewhere in this month a real turkey of an election.  Where is our sanctuary?