april highlights


clematis on house

evergreen clematis in bloom

Welcome to my April posting.  I usually wait until a theme occurs to me to tie all the happenings together.  But the theme is eluding me right now so I will just keep writing and hope one presents itself by the end.

I regret to have to tell you that just a few days after my last posting, we were visited by a murdering mink who slaughtered all the hens in the upper coop.  I’ve noticed that every time we’ve had this intruder visit, it has been during March.  My theory is that is when the stream is at its highest and they come up from False Bay.  This is the first time that a mink has bothered these “upper” hens.  Roger must have secured the lower coop sufficiently as those hens were untouched this year.  Very sad, but at least he was able to process the birds and we now have seven of them still in our freezer.  The mink was caught and appropriately dispatched.


caught in live trap the next day returning to the scene of the crime.

That’s the last of the bad news, the rest of the month has been busy but fun. I joined my friend Peggy Sue at a Dana Lyons concert. You know Dana Lyons, he sang “Cows with Guns” see:

We had an overnight in Seattle to attend Karen’s 60th birthday dinner at the Blackboard Bistro in West Seattle.  I highly recommend it to any of you wanting some fabulous food from some really nice people.


Got to see Bjorn and family, too, on that trip to help celebrate some of the many April birthdays in our family.  And last week we attended a very good play about a mid-century abstract expressionist, Mark Rothko, in a play called Red.


My big project for the month was building a new loveseat for underneath the crabapple. Roger and I rowed to our island, cut down a lot of alder and dogwood, and I created this:

frame for new loveseat

frame made of alder

new loveseat

finished project

Roger started selling at the Saturday Farmers Market again. He plans to be there every week through June. Come on down if you’d like some currants, berries, and other edibles.

Roger at Farmers Market

Roger at Farmers Market


Lunnette and I hiked up Mt. Young in search of fawn lilies and we were not disappointed. We also saw shooting stars and some orchids, but the camas is not out yet. Then I went to another friend’s Spring shindig and she had hundreds of fawn lilies throughout her lawn! How did she do that?fawn lily

Ok, so I can’t quite call it the cruelest month, Spring has definitely arrived although the mud is
still here, too. I didn’t mention half the luncheons, meetings, and other get-togethers that I also attended because that is just background to these highlights.