Recovery and Preparation

January 31 marks my fifteenth year of being retired from Metro. That’s a few months shy of half the span of my career. Retirement time goes much faster than work time. I sure am thankful for PERS 1.

Waiting for the ferry home

The year is starting off right with visits from friends (Sharon and Daniel) and visits to family (Audrey turns 13!). Also yoga started up again with both Jeannie and Kathy.

Orcas Exchange
Wild turkeys trotting by Orcas ferry line

I’ve been working on my “Waste Reduction” (no, not with a diet. not that kind of waste) Lunnette and I went to Orcas and gave them a year’s worth of glass to crush since we don’t have our own crusher here on this island. And I met with a group of people willing to organize around a “Repair Fair” to teach mending and some repair skills thus reducing what items might be thrown out and replaced for wont of a simple fix. It will be February 12th and I even wrote an article describing the circular economy for the local paper.

The carpet replacement project (home improvement for 2023) is not going so well. The choice is very limited here on the island and two I’ve picked are both discontinued. Back to the drawing board. But Roger is building stud walls in order to insulate the basement, so progress is being made.

I went to the local Artist Registry Show at the museum and it was great. Many of my friends’ works were represented. I haven’t really gotten back in the swing of things craft-wise except I am crocheting again, I’ve harvested the basket willow and I’ve signed up to go to the weaving convention in Bend this summer. Big plans, too, for more activities this year through the textile guild. And my photojournal for 2022 looks pretty good.

Plans are afoot for several jaunts off-island in March, April, June and July so far. No big trips. So 2023 seems to be shaping up pretty well for me (except for the carpet thing). In the big, wide world everything is going to hell. Mass shootings daily this month. Escalation of the war in Ukraine. And of course political turmoil is ongoing. But here on the island, January is a month of recovery and preparation.

Winter jasmine on new trellis