Projecting into Spring

March 25 on Cady Mountain

This past month can be summed up by gardening and stick projects. I feel like I am trying to make up for lost time. Did I garden at all last year? Doesn’t seem or look like it. Granted the weather was so bad in January we lost a lot of plants that left holes in the landscape. The hebe is gone, the cotoneaster, the lavatera to name just a few. We are just not used to 6 degrees around here. I have been selecting new plants that should survive in hardiness zone 8. Also, it got down to 30 degrees here this week. Frost after mid-April. Sheesh!

I finished my scarf!!!

I finished the scarf with the painted warp. Hope to put it in the County Fair this year and then give it to Audrey for a very late birthday gift. Now I am on to crocheting squares for the Textile Guild’s entry into the Fourth of July parade–we plan to “yarn bomb” a car. Should take about 150 squares. (I’m not doing them all)

fawn lilies

It is a good year for wild flowers so I’ve upped my walking to more than just Zylstra Lake. Must get to American Camp for camas and fritillaria biflora (chocolate lily) soon.

Roger helped me build a new alder chair which must be done in the Spring when the sap is running. I used plum and osier suckers for the seat. I’m also working on a new random weave sphere, also out of osier. This is a time limited occupation as the sticks must be used while they are pliable.

not quite done

As you can tell from my post, my energy seems to be improving. Although I’m still take a nap several times a week. Life is precious, birthdays are becoming more important, friends are to be cherished while they are still around. Oh my gosh, I’ve been to four birthday parties this month.

As always, you can click on the photo to get a better look.

3 thoughts on “Projecting into Spring

  1. Anita,  love your writing!♥️



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